
Family gatherings can be a lot. And it’s pretty much a guarantee that uncomfortable questions and topics will get brought up. But as the leading global producer of french fries, McCain’s all about bringing family together. That’s why we made this very real, and very ridiculous piece of technology that dispenses fries whenever it recognizes cringy keywords.

Together with Grace Cho, Jordon Lawson, & Eric Seymour.

Launch Video

We launched with a sketch comedy style video highlighting the many functions of Distractifry.

Case Study

Was it ridiculous? Yes. Were the results? Absolutely not. Despite being a Canadian campaign, Distractifry was talked about on all 6 continents, with over 53M earned impressions, leading to a whopping 22% increase in sales compared to the same period the previous year.


Too Much Fun


Ketchup & Seemingly Ranch